திங்கள், 3 அக்டோபர், 2016

a new saga born...Tamil comics site...

Dear readers.. a new comics reading site for world wide tamil speaking people..
their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/comicsclub.in/?fref=ts
a cool place for silent reading. i personally enjoy this site.
why don't make a try??? 

3 கருத்துகள்:

  1. comicsclub.in is very good site for reading old metha and rani comics.
    Thankyou john Simon sir.

  2. its a team work. all credits going to our friends. they are really wish to digitalize all rare comics of tamil nadu. we have great opportunities. the club members are not revealed their identity. their privacy will not affected there. i love this site. enjoy.

  3. one more detail. the comicsclub.in have their facebook page too. the link below


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