செவ்வாய், 23 செப்டம்பர், 2008

love the world we belongs to..

I like you to share with somthing!!
The future is not coming now!
The past is always past!
The present of our presence is more important!
This is single dimention _ time !
we cannot able to break the time barrier to go back to alterate something!
stories are always stories!
they are just relaxing us, having fun from them!

so live your life!
share love with each other you have met!
love the world !!
because at present we rule the world!

the mankind!!!!!
Not the jurassic age!
Not the machine age!
No one of reptiles in jurassic love each other!
as same as the machines!

we the people who created by god!

now our man kind faces many problems!
like automic war, floods, earthquakes,etc.
Dont giveup be a good citizen.
be a good person to all!
the universe really love us! why don't we??????????
think about it!
take care!
with love, JOHN C. SIMON

comics is a childish thing?

comics is a childish thing?
NO! Not! Never!
I am a comics fan from my very small age.
my grand mother thayar introducing me that type of books for improving my knowledge.
my grandfather Amirthan like me very much and give me money for purchasing comics.
even they give me money for purchasing chocolate i ran to shop for new releases of rani,muthu comics.
here i thank to the Dinamalar magazine for releasing siruvarmalar for children.
i like it very much.
Comics are not just a time pass thing.
They give you the past, They send you to the future.
They lead you to the un imaginery world of especially yours.

புதன், 17 செப்டம்பர், 2008


but make our heart cool with all relationships ;
by how we handle them is the main thing called creating!!!
This modern peoples are short tempered!
they have no patience!
I am an indian!
I have many good guidences;
but me too a patienceless social animal. i agree this.
I saw many of us have same trouble.
They have no idea to handle the situation.
On this subject many stories we hear that the hero who have the capacity
to lead the subordinates by his patientless activities who always wins.

My dear friends!
Stories always stories!
There we starts our mis understandings!
There is no doubt patientless activities what i mean anger,etc.
They give a sudden relief from the situation but stil it is living
in the deeper area of mind called sub concious mind.
So absolutely there is problem occurs in relationships!
Something broken from the deeper heart!
but we hide and make others believe that there is no problem!

This is the reason to the mentel deceases, sucide, inferiority complex, broken families, broken relationship with other social animals!!!
If we are not love others why we call us as HUMAN BEINGS?.
as a management student;
i was knowing that just a ventilator too make a situation cool.
we are the ventilators of the world.
believe this we are the people created by god to celebrate the world.
by making others happy by giving money? costly things? dress and materials?
no nothing can do it for you to make others happy.
yourself will do it!
By giving true love from the holy heart of you!
many of us understand that,
holiness is far away from us!
That is the god thing !
we are not eligible to call us holy.
In the mechanical world 90% of people think this anyway.

Come on what is the idea you have to inform to the world??
I hear the voices of you!
love the relations near where you live!!
make them enjoy by your just saying hai! hello! how are you? take care! thanks! Sorry!
oh yes my friends many times sorry , the word make magic on others sub concious mind
getting a sudden cool.
but it is not able to visible on that hot situation.
but definitely it will comeout afterwards!
Make others happy is not possible!
Its impossible!
I cannot able to do that!
I am a highbreed animal, I am not act like this!
I am a rich!
In Tamil "sorry is my un like word"
Many of our people considered that the above said sentences;
adjust with others is a brightful thing;
one who came to know about this he will have a peace of mind!
the nature will love him!
ok let us discuss this on another day!
with love

சனி, 13 செப்டம்பர், 2008


They relax our minds.

They give a un imaginable world especially yours in mind never opens to other.

There is the unimaginable means if you are a harry potter novel fan and went to cinema theatre to watch the movie definitely feels like that not the real imagination displays in the screens.

is it correct??.

I am the indian citizen

Proud to be a Tamil person we are having many authors here.

rajesh kumar,subha,pattukottai prabhakar,anuradha ramanan,ramani chandiran,indira sownder rajan,orniga nasser,etc.

Try to find many novels which will reveal ur pure personality!!!

புதன், 10 செப்டம்பர், 2008

A letter from the heart who Loves Comics

hai dear ones the hobby of reading comics is healthy and wealthy!
some people accepts this and others hide their heart to others who like comics because they think the comics reading is only the childplay.
but if you are a fan to comics you know our all fans are intelligents. they understand the worth of comics reading.

அப்படியே 2019க்கு ஒரு

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